What do I want to do?

I am linking up with Becky from Mrs. to Mama.  Today we are discussing something I am struggling with. I think we all are struggling with something.  On the outside, most of us look very put together.  We smile.  We go to work.  We cook dinner.  We tidy up our homes.  But there is always something that, on the inside is just not sitting right with us.  It sticks to our brain, popping up every second it can.  For some it’s illness, for others it may be unemployment, it could be depression or anxiety that riddles us everyday in some capacity. For me, it’s an identity crisis.  Now, before you laugh, this may not be a life threatening event in my life where my very existence is at stake – but it’s very real to me.  I just don’t know who I am at this moment.

On paper I am many things.  I am a Mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a working mom, a granddaughter, a cousin, a niece, a friend, a dog owner, a target lover, an acquaintance, a homeowner, a movie lover, an amateur photographer, a blogger. But deep down – who am I? What do I want to do? This is something I struggle with. 

I know a couple of things are for sure.  I may not know exactly who I am in this moment, but I do know I am his Mama.  He is mine and I am his.  And that will always calm me and bring a smile to my face.  He is my legacy, my forever.



  1. He is super cute! found your blog through beckys link up

  2. Thank you! Heading over to your blog right now!

  3. it's so nice to know through this community that someone else is thinking the same thing or going through the same thing. i have been feeling like this lately, trying to do so many things that i've lost my identity in the midst of it. it's an everyday thing for me to remember to slow it down and figure myself out.
    your little one is adorable!
    visiting from the link up. :)

    1. It's so hard to figure it all out, but I think we are all just doing the best we can. That's really all we can do right?! Thanks for finding your way to my blog. Appreciate it. I am heading over to yours right now :)
