Thanksgiving 2012 Pt. 1

Finally getting around to posting about Thanksgiving 2012.  Pre kids, Mike and I would make our way to both houses.  But with the little guy, it was going to be too much work.  So we decided to do a every other year.  One year with my side one year with his side.  My side was up first this year, so we made our way to my Aunt’s and Uncle’s.  My poor Mom was in the hospital that day being diagnosed for a 7mm Kidney Stone.  I felt SO bad for and her and my dad we definitely missed that day.  BUT we did see them later that night.  Here are a couple of my favorites of the day.



I remember holding each and every one of these kids below when they were tiny babies.  It’s so strange and amazing to see them all grown up holding my own.  How I adore these kids.  They have my heart.




Visiting mom and dad after they left the hospital.



A Trip to Cranbrook

One Sunday afternoon, we took a family trip to Cranbrooks Science Museum.  He especially loved the under water exhibit and loved looking at the little fish.  We definitely will be going back soon!



Oh Vincenzi


I love watching these two.  The make my day.

What do I want to do?

I am linking up with Becky from Mrs. to Mama.  Today we are discussing something I am struggling with. I think we all are struggling with something.  On the outside, most of us look very put together.  We smile.  We go to work.  We cook dinner.  We tidy up our homes.  But there is always something that, on the inside is just not sitting right with us.  It sticks to our brain, popping up every second it can.  For some it’s illness, for others it may be unemployment, it could be depression or anxiety that riddles us everyday in some capacity. For me, it’s an identity crisis.  Now, before you laugh, this may not be a life threatening event in my life where my very existence is at stake – but it’s very real to me.  I just don’t know who I am at this moment.

On paper I am many things.  I am a Mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a working mom, a granddaughter, a cousin, a niece, a friend, a dog owner, a target lover, an acquaintance, a homeowner, a movie lover, an amateur photographer, a blogger. But deep down – who am I? What do I want to do? This is something I struggle with. 

I know a couple of things are for sure.  I may not know exactly who I am in this moment, but I do know I am his Mama.  He is mine and I am his.  And that will always calm me and bring a smile to my face.  He is my legacy, my forever.


Let’s talk SLEEP



I get on average 8-9 hours of sleep (mostly interrupted).  I just don’t mess around.  Does it make me an old lady? Maybe.  Does it make me boring? I don’t know.  But I just don’t screw around with getting enough sleep – or at least making my best effort to get enough sleep.  I simply adore getting on fresh comfortable PJ’s, taking out my contacts, wiping my face with a crisp face cloth and applying a light and airy moisturizer.  I love crawling underneath the covers to cool sheets and getting all snuggly.  I love winding down while looking through my phone and catching up with Twitter, Facebook and Instagram updates from the day.  I love when my eyes get too heavy, I set my alarm and close my eyes and drift effortlessly to sleep. It’s one of my simple pleasures of life.  Some people enjoy a night out with drinks, I enjoy a night in catching some ZZZzzZz’s. 

Ever since I became a mother, sleep hasn’t been easy.  He obviously has his good nights and bad nights but going to be around 830/9 still leaves me so, so very tired and it’s starting to bum me out.  While I love getting my Z’s I do occasionally love staying up late, watching a movie, reading, perusing the internet etc.  But I just cant seem to enjoy them anymore because of the anxiety of him waking up sporadically throughout the night and finally waking up for the day anywhere between 5:30 AM to 6:15 AM.  That is before the Sun people. 

So my day usually goes like this – V waking up a couple times during the night 95% of the time he can put himself down, but I am usually wide awake when he wakes up crying.  He is up at let’s say 6:00 AM.  I feed him, play with him until I head off to work.  I go to work and I freakin’ work… I mean traveling to different branches and meetings and etc.  When I get home (530 pm) I usually put on a meal, help with the baby, clean up, play with V, catch up with a little TV until we start his night time routine around 7:30 PM.  This is about a half hour long with a bath, bottle and cereal.  Once we are done, it’s like 8:00.  By then I am just pooped.  The thought of having to wake up and repeat with minimal sleep is daunting, so I usually just crawl into bed and I am out by 9:00 (if not earlier).  Sigh. 

What I am trying to get at is, I have a love-hate relationship with my NEED for sleep.  It baffles me when I see/hear/read about people with children and a job and hobbies and an active social calendar who just don’t need a lot of sleep.  HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?! TEACH ME YOUR SECRETS! I tip my hat to them, because I am just NOT one of those people, I wish I were.  So until I unlock the secret of functioning on little sleep while being insanely productive and patient, I’ll go take my contacts out and crawl into bed and catch up on my ZZzzZ’s.


move, baby, move.


If I’m an advocate for anything, it’s to move. As far as you can, as much as you can. Across the ocean, or simply across the river. The extent to which you can walk in someone else’s shoes or at least eat their food, it’s a plus for everybody.

Open your mind, get up off the couch, move.

Quote found here



Words can not describe the joy I feel right in this moment.  I am truly blessed to have such an amazing family.  I am thankful for.


This guy who makes me smile everyday.  He is getting so big and going a mile a minute.  He is my heart and soul.


And this guy too.  He is the love of my life and the best husband and father to our son I could have ever hoped and wished for.  I love you.


I am also thankful for this little puppy of ours.  She can be pretty sweet sometimes.



I am thankful for my family and Mike’s
I am thankful for our health and happiness
I am thankful for good food and a roof over our heads
I am thankful for the job I have.
I am thankful for running clean water.
I am thankful for our home and everything (and everyone) in it.
I am thankful for the good times (and the bad).  It all makes us stronger.
I am thankful for perspective.
I am thankful for my life and being able to wake up everyday and do better.


What are you thankful for?

Currently Lovin’


One: Ella’s Kitchen is organic baby food and Baby V just loves it.  It has a mixture of various fruits and veggies and I love that he gets an assortment of flavors in one sitting.

Two: I was running out of my hella expensive NARS Orgasm blush and since I am no longer in the budget to purchase a $30.00 blush I was on the look out for something light, airy and most of all inexpensive.  CoverGirl and Olay’s Simply Ageless Sculpting Blush is my new bff.  PLUS it’s less than $10.00.  Hooray!

Three: When I wrote out this post I stated I wanted to fill a journal front and back with personal writing and so far it’s going great.  Challenging but great.  I wanted to make sure I had a journal that felt good in my hands so I was more inclined to write.  Mission accomplished.

Four:  My hair sucks.  It’s dry and itchy all.the.time.  and it’s still falling out (post partum issues) and I chopped it off because I was frustrated and I’m kind of sad I did.  I found a bottle in the linen closest that I tossed back there because for awhile there I wasn’t even washing my hair because I refused to pull out additional clumps while shampooing.  But I found a bottle a glorious new bottle and I am milking it.  It leaves your hair feeling light, luxurious and full of life.  Love it.

Five: SUPER DUPER Impressed with this lovely company’s jewelry designs.  I have yet to purchase them just yet, because I am being extremely picky.  But I am currently eyeing this one.  Like?

Six: Have you tried this bread yet? If not you are missing out.  Trader Joe’s Banana Bread is delicious.  Perfectly paired with a cup of warm cider, omgamazing.