July 2014 Goals

June was a busy month for us.  But it was more busy with family stuff than completing projects and checking things off the list.  I am feeling especially anxious since we barely did anything to prepare for baby #2 and it was our last full month before he arrives.  July is officially baby month.  BABY MONTH.  Meaning this month there will be a baby joining our family.  I am seriously NOT ready.  There is so much that needs to be done still.  Clothes to be washed, nursery to be finished,stuff that needs to be bought. 

I had an ultrasound done today 7/8/2014 and he is head down and estimating at 7lbs 2 oz.  I am so anxious to meet him and he could be here any day.

June Goals Revisited:

- Put together and finish nursery for Baby Boy #2
- Finish final touches on Vincents big boy room
- Wash all baby clothes and bring up
- Do something creative
- Go on very mini babymoon (Traverse City)
- Spend time outside at the pool
- Go on another date with Michael
- Get mani/pedi
- Finish up yardwork in front yard
- Trim back tree branches (getting out of hand)
- Cook something new

July Goals:

-  Wash all baby clothes and bring up

- Order new stroller
- Install car seats  7/7/2014
- Pack hospital bag 7/13/14
- Go on one (maybe two if we can swing it) solo date(s) with Michael 7/12/14
- Go on a last time of a family of three adventure to soak up this precious time
- Go on one on one mommy and me date with Vincent
- Get a manicure/pedicure and eyebrows done
-Tie up all loose ends at work
- Get little brother/big brother gifts 7/13/14
- Find some alone time and cherish it

 I feel like these last 2-3 weeks are going to FLY by.  Cant wait to meet our newest little man.  Wish us luck

June Goals - 2014

Hello, June and summer!

May was a good month.  We were relatively healthy (YAY!) we got some stuff done around the house, we celebrated 4 years of marriage and we laughed a lot.  With 58 days till this baby is here, Mike and I are scrambling to get the house ready.  In May we moved Vincent into his new big boy room and thankfully he has adjusted very well to it.  We detoxed our wardrobes and donated 14 bags to Purple Heart, and we got some yard work done.  But this month, I have some lofty goals as it is our last full month before Baby boy #2 arrives.

Here is May revisited: 

Celebrate our 4 year anniversary by grabbing dinner (maybe a movie) 5/22/2014
-Start breaking down office for Vincent's big boy room 5/18/2014
- Get to the zoo 5/25/2014
- Go on a special Vincent + Mommy Date
- Start home-school program with Vincent (finally)
- Bust out my big camera and take more pictures.  More memories.
- Clean up entire front yard (mowed, weed whacked, weeds pulled, new mulch, etc) - I would say it's half done bot quite finished
- Start on backyard 5/11/2014
- Have a bonfire
- Pay it forward

And for June:

- Put together and finish nursery for Baby Boy #2
- Finish final touches on Vincents big boy room
- Wash all baby clothes and bring up
- Do something creative
- Go on very mini babymoon (Traverse City)
- Spend time outside at the pool
- Go on another date with Michael
- Get mani/pedi
- Finish up yardwork in front yard
- Trim back tree branches (getting out of hand)
- Cook something new

Here's to you June! Hope it's a productive and happy one!

On my mind - in bullet points

  • Everything feels like it's in overdrive.  Life seems to be flying by and everyday at the end of the day I lay down in bed and think of all the things I didn't get accomplished and it's stressin' me out.
  • We only have 68 days till baby Oliver joins the Kustra Clan and we have a ton to do before his arrival like get a new crib, decorate his room, wash all baby clothes, buy double stroller and just about 1876 other things as well.  No biggie.
  • Mike and I are planning on getting our front landscaping cleaned up this weekend since the weather is supposed to be absolutely heavenly (mid 70's and sunny) We need to weed the front beds, trim all the bushes, edge, lay down fresh mulch and lay down grass seed for some bare spots.  I really hope we get this done.
  • I feel like every day I am doing the same thing (work, Mike + Vincent, home, family stuff, laundry) I havent had (correction havent made) time to do anything creative.  Photography, coloring, drawing, writing, reading, etc.  And that's going to change.  I ordered some supplies for an art project I was inspired to do and I am excited to carve out some time for that.
  • Speaking of reading, I am slowly reading a really inspiring book and I need to make sure I keep up with it.  
  • I am also feeling extremely slugglish lately and I know it has to do with this pregnancy but I am going to make a more conscience effort to be more active the rest of this pregnancy.  
  • I am excited to finish decorating Vincent's big boy room - it's still pretty bare bones in there but I am hopeful that by the 1st weekend of June it will be complete.  I want to give that little boy the world.  He makes everything just plain awesome.
  •  Mike and I just celebrated our 4 year anniversary and I just love that guy.
  • I wish I busted out my camera more.  Sigh.
  • We are going grocery shopping this weekend and plan on getting some fresh produce.  Craving cucumbers and celery with peanut butter.  YUM.
  • I also REALLY hope our neighborhood pool has an open swim this weekend so we can enjoy.  The lakes are still too cold.

I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Weekend.  We are planning on getting some projects done around the house and celebrating my mother in law's birthday with BBQ.

Have a good one :)

May Goals

April in Review + May Goals

May is going to be a busy month.  We have two weddings, a couple birthdays, mothers day, our anniversary and general life stuff like life with a toddler and preparing for baby #2 in 84 days.  Oye.  I am excited for this month but there is SO MUCH THAT NEEDS TO GET DONE.  The thought of it is enough to make me really itchy.

Let's review April's goals and progress:

April's goals:
- Get a new rug for the living room 4/8/2014
- Get air ducts cleaned 4/22/2014
- Clean out car inside outside completely including trunk 4/12/2014
- Get a manicure/pedicure 4/30/2014
- Get haircut and colored 4/22/2014
- Bust out my big camera and take more pictures.  More memories.
- Interview and hire a weekend babysitter
- Go on two dates with Mike (even if it's just dinner) (1 of 2 on 4/11 - Bonefish Grill)
- Catch up on all laundry
- Get eyebrows threaded 4/21/2014
- Start homeschool program with Vincent (finally)
- Get to the zoo
- Get to Greenfield Village 4/19/2014
- Go on a special Vincent + Mommy Date
- Go see a movie by myself. (Not by myself but saw Heaven is For Real with a good friend)

I thought April was a huge success.  I got some major projects on my TO DO list crossed off like getting a new rug, getting air ducts cleaned and cleaning out my car completely.  It felt good to get these things done and over with since they are things that I have been wanting to get done since Fall of last year.

So what's in store for May?

- Celebrate our 4 year anniversary by grabbing dinner (maybe a movie) 5/22/2014
-Start breaking down office for Vincent's big boy room 5/18/2014
- Get to the zoo 5/25/2014
- Go on a special Vincent + Mommy Date
- Start home-school program with Vincent (finally)
- Bust out my big camera and take more pictures.  More memories.
- Clean up entire front yard (mowed, weed whacked, weeds pulled, new mulch, etc)
- Start on backyard 5/11/2014
- Have a bonfire
- Pay it forward

Life Lessons

Here are a couple life lessons I would like to share:

1.) Not everyone is going to like you and you know what, that is OK.  You weren't wired for it! Everyone is entitled to their own feelings and just like you're not going to change those individuals they aren't going to change you either.

2.) Judging is such a waste of time.  Why do we spend so much time judging one-another for their career-choices, life choices, men choices, how they handled a situation? We're all doing the best we can.  Leave them alone and concentrate on yourself.

3.) Surround yourself with good positive people! Life is way to short to invest any of your precious time with people who are toxic and don't have your best interest at heart.

4.) Read anything and everything.  An article, a poem, a book series, the Bible.  Read something everyday and learn something new.

5.) If you can't afford a therapist, listen to an insane amount of music.

6.) Comparing yourself to others feels gross.  Love the season, the path, the boat you are in at that moment.  God has a path for you - trust!

7.) It's OK to have ice cream for breakfast.

8.) After getting married, just be together for some time.  We've heard it all before, but having children changes the dynamic of your relationship, your life, your home - everything.  Even though it's the next step in life, don't worry so much about getting there in such a hurry.  Be together, travel, stay up late, go out often.  Build the foundation of your marriage.

9.)We teach people how to treat us.  Don't allow others to bring you down, stick up for yourself, you are your biggest fan - dont give up on yourself and think you deserve to be treated poorly.  No one does.

10.) Treat your body and your mind better.  Your body is your vessel to get around in this one life so if you are struggling to get around because of bad eating choices and lack of exercise, DO SOMETHING about it.  Don't just wish and hope and complain.  Literally get up and do something.  Also, be kinder to yourself.  If anyone talked to you the way you talked to yourself you'd probably kick that persons ass.  Say nice things to yourself, you're kind of amazing.

11.) Smile more.

12.) Do something creative everyday.

13.) Pray everyday.  For yourself, your family, your friends, for peace, for clarity, for help.  Just pray.

14.) Practice self care.  Always.  It's so easy to get caught up in life.  Work, family, children, home, laundry, bills, dinner prep, blogging, obligations take hold and 3 days later you realize you haven't taken a shower or even put deodorant on.  Take care of you and you will be a better wife, mother, friend, daughter, sibling etc.  Do something that puts a huge smile on your face at least once a day whether it's giving yourself a mini home facial or grabbing coffee and people watching or catching a solo movie or grabbing some fresh cut flowers, love you.  Do you.

15.) When all else fails... DANCE. 

Weekend Recap

A freaking men. I love this quote!!

This last weekend was the first weekend, in a while, that was actually fun, full of activities and was generally busy.  Friday, Mike and I had a dinner date night.  We are making more of a conscience effort to get out together more - even if it's just for dinner.  So after work we headed up to Bonefish and had a couple appetizers, their famous bang bang shrimp and their decadent calamari.  I was so full from all their bread and pesto and apps that I could barely finish my soup.  After dinner, my sister in law asked if I was available to get out for a little for the heck of it.  After we picked up Vincent from my aunts and dropped him off at home with Mike, we headed to Bar Louie for girl talk and more food lol.  We tried to catch a late movie, but they ended up cancelling the flick we were planning on seeing. 

Saturday morning, Mike and I were on a mission to get our cars in shape.  It was a beautiful day out and while we cleaned, Vincent played in the back.  It felt so good to take everything out of the car, wipe down the inside, disinfect, vacuum and get a car wash.  My car seriously looks brand new - it hadnt been that clean since I first got it 5 years ago! I tend to get in the habit of living out of my car because we are always so busy! I ran some errands at Target, did some laundry, and we cooked dinner.  It was such a productive day and it felt great to knock off that item on my to-do list.

Sunday we went and saw Rio 2 with Vincent.  He did OK, but probably could afford to wait a little longer before we try again.  After the movie, we met up with my mom and dad for brunch at Leo's.  After brunch we headed back to their house and hung out.  Vincent decided to forgo his one and only nap - ugh! We went for some froyo and sat outside.  It was glorious.  After froyo, we headed over to Mike's parents and hung out there, sat outside on their glorious porch, let Vincent run around and ended up staying for dinner.

By the time we got home, Vincent was SO over it.  He was overtired, cranky, dirty from playing in the mud, hated having to take a bath even though we have to usually pry him out of the bath, kicked, screamed and overall lost his ever loving mind.  He was in bed by 745. 

I had all the best intentions to do some more laundry and be productive since we were not in the house at all - but I was pooped.  So I was in bed by 830 and out by 835.

I have a busy week ahead of me with a ton of housework, I have a company coming in to get our air ducts cleaned and I need to get some bills paid.  I cant find my planner so that is quite obnoxious - but alas, need to get my ass organized.

Hope you all have a great week!

April Goals 2014 and Other Thoughts

love this branding concept ... so feminine, chic and classic. #blog #branding #design

I am optimistic that this month will be better than the first three months we had this year.  From death, bitter cold, sickness, germs, chaos, worry, anxious - lots of negative emotions that make me feeling super yucky at the end of the day and frankly...I. AM. SO. OVER. IT! What I really really want and need to do this month is self care.  The past three months I have put everyone and everything in the forefront, which isnt a bad thing - it had to be done.  Husband and immediate family needed me, my son needed me, my work needed me - shit just had to get done.  Did I do it well? Nope.  Not at all, there were days where by 7PM I was in bed.  Tired.  Weary.  Drained.

I'm not happy with how I handled some of the days.  Days where both my son and I would sit in front of the TV for the majority of the day.  Didn't have enough energy to cook anything for my poor husband when he came home from work.  Piles and piles of laundry both clean and dirty sat in their respective baskets.  I'd be short with both Mike and Vincent.  I remember one day I sat across the table from Vincent as he was eating away his breakfast and just burst out into tears because I wasn't being a good mother.  Vincent and I have a good routine, we can communicate well with one another, we'll engage in conversation, I ask questions he responds the best way he can.  But that wasn't happening.  I wasnt talking.  I wasnt engaging.  I was somewhere else.  Not present.  And I just felt this wave of guilt come over me.

What keeps me going is nothing bad (or good) lasts forever and this particularly trying season will end.  I am hopeful it will end sooner than later, but either way I trust God and his plan for me and my family.  Here are my goals for April

- Get a new rug for the living room 4/8/2014
- Get air ducts cleaned 4/22/2014
- Clean out car inside outside completely including trunk 4/12/2014
- Get a manicure/pedicure
- Get haircut and colored 4/22/2014
- Bust out my big camera and take more pictures.  More memories.
- Interview and hire a weekend babysitter
- Go on two dates with Mike (even if it's just dinner) (1 of 2 on 4/11 - Bonefish Grill)
- Catch up on all laundry
- Get eyebrows threaded 4/21/2014
- Start homeschool program with Vincent (finally)
- Get to the zoo
- Get to Greenfield Village 4/19/2014
- Go on a special Vincent + Mommy Date
- Go see a movie by myself.

Hope April is a great month for you all - stay healthy!


What I Want and What I Need


Life has been hard lately.  Unbalanced.  Chaotic.  Tragically beautiful at times.  Hard.  Full of worry.  Doubt.  And I am working really hard to change a lot of the negative.  Because my goal in life is to put nothing but positive out into the universe.

I started coming up with this running list in my head of all the things I want and need in my life.  Here is said list:

What I Want:

- An ice cold pitcher of sangria
- A huge helping of creamy spinach and artichoke dip with warm bread for dipping
- 60 degree weather so I can open up my windows and let the cool air circulate in our home
- A spa day that includes a massage, a facial, mani and pedi
- A movie marathon day - popcorn, icee, 2-3 movies in the theater.  BLISS.
- A little extra spending money to buy a film camera and film for developing
- A day in a coffee shop with my laptop sipping espresso and writing and reading away
- A Zingermann's sandwich eaten outside in the sun with a cold lemonade
- A custard ice cream from Ritters.
- A day at the beach watching my kid play in the water, happy and smiling and laughing in the nice warm sun

What I Need:

- My kid to feel better, he has been so sick this winter.
- A good nights sleep with no interruptions and the opportunity to sleep in.
- A vacation with just Mike and I.  We are in desperate need of some quality alone time.
- A new rug for our living room. After the weekend we had, it needs to go.
- A through spring cleaning in our home.  Getting our air ducts cleaned in April, YAY!
- To go grocery shopping and stock up
- To get our landscaping in the front and back cleaned up - BAD
- A technology free weekend.   I need a weekend to unplug.
- To get all our paperwork for medical bills updated and paid off
- An opportunity to bring in a little extra money on the side.
- To purge and clean and declutter my home - especially our basement and kitchen.
- To move Vincent into his big boy room (sob.  But i need to put it together first)
- To start getting stuff ready for baby #2 - 4 months to go.
- A good cry

I think it's funny that a lot of my wants have to do with food and drinks.  I want alcohol so bad - but I just cant and it sucks.

I am ready for the weather to improve.  For sunnier days to take over.  For better days ahead.  What are on your lists of wants and needs?


The Longest Winter....Ever.

psalm 22:24 God has not ignored the suffering of the broken ones, He has listened to their cries for help.

Why did I fall off the face of the earth? Why did I stop writing? I think apart of me needed a break from online life and apart of it was because ever since November my life was slowly but surely unraveling.  That during December and the months that followed knocked me off my feet completely leaving me dizzy and unable to get my footing.  

Watching my Nana slowly die, watching my mother(and family) have to endure it, the heartache, the stress, the feeling of complete and utter helplessness set in.  The all day nausea from my 2nd pregnancy, mixed emotions of pure elatedness of this new baby joining our growing family and sheer despair of how sick I was, was simply exhausting and how all I wanted was for my mom to come and touch my hair.  How I got out of bed at all is a miracle in itself - but then again it's amazing what you'll do when you have another tiny person, a toddler, still counting on you to keep your shit together.  We lost all our babysitters around that time due to their own personal (serious) issues they had to take care , found ourselves having to spend $500 a month on daycare, in the middle of the craziest, crappiest winter I have ever seen in my life and realized as of maybe 3 weeks ago we hadnt had a date night since our 3rd year anniversary in May.  The grey days took hold of me and made sure I stayed down.  I got into a terrible fight with whom I thought was a dear friend of mine, it came out of left field and frankly was unwarranted and completely inexcusable.  My son took two trips to the ER, has had multiple ear infections, had a stomach bug twice that got me once and my husband the other, multiple viruses and a runny nose that would not go away.  And finally, having to finally say goodbye to my Nana after months and months of suffering.  Knowing she is at peace is my only comforting thought through it all.  

My mind, my house, my life was a mess.  Everything was in disarray.  I was stuck.  But I feel like within the last month or so, I am slowly but surely coming out of the haze.  I am slowly but surely starting to feel more like myself and THANK GOD for that.  Partly due to the all day nausea going away, partly due to the sun making more of an appearance, and partly because I am forcing myself to keep moving forward.  For the last month I have been working on  getting the house organized.  Putting together to-do's again, not just for the day but for the coming months.  Grocery shopping regularly and cooking more - even though I still dont have much of an appetite by the end of the day.  I am slowly but surely making time for myself again (alone time) and i've been working hard on staying busy.  Being stagnant is not good for me.  The last half of 2013 and the first 2 months of 2014 were the toughest months I (my husband, families, etc) have endured but I am also very grateful to have gone through it.  Adversity has brought my husband and I closer, we appreciate the smaller things in life, it has opened our eyes to our finances, and made us love those around us harder and to remember to do the right thing - even if its the harder thing to do.  

I think it was appropriate to discuss the sad/dark moments of my life over the last couple months so I can again appreciate them for what they were, a particularly hard season but also a wonderful learning one as well.  I anticipate the remainder of 2014 to be a wonderful one:
1.) We have 3 weddings to go to.  Two of which are out of town, Traverse City and Toronto, Canada.  We are planning on heading to Niagra Falls the Friday before the wedding for a quick family get away.  
2.) I am investing in a business program/venture that I am SUPER excited but EXTREMELY nervous about.  I'll be helping others feel better about themselves and hopefully make a little extra pocket money to help our family.  More on that later.
3.) We will be welcoming our second son end of July and I am so SO very excited to meet this little guy.
4.) After our son makes his grand entrance I will be buckling down and shedding this baby weight from both pregnancies because going to be honest here, didnt loose much from my first.  So I will be going at it hard and focusing on my health and happiness.  I am planning on working out, eating  right and drinking a TON of H20.

5.) Our landscaping in our front and backyard need some desperate tender loving care this spring.  After a particularly crazy 2013 we barely touched it.  We need it cleaned up, bushes trimmed,  weeds pulled, plants potted, mulch laid - the list could go on.

6.) I am in desperate need of a haircut.  The last time I got one was May of 2013.  Almost a year.  Woof.  Desperate need of a cut and color.  I am seeing more and more greys and I am NOT happy about that.  I also need an eyebrow thread...and a facial.  Hah.

Lots of exciting things going on.  I have to remind myself to keep on swimming.  I have to remind myself that I am pushing myself and my family forward.  Now that this hiatus is over, I am planning on focusing more on on this blog as well.  It's going to be a combination of every life, to-do's, favorites and more.

Thanks for being patient with me!