Dear Teenage Self

Dear Teenage Self -
First and foremost I want to give you a high five.  You’ve always stayed true to yourself throughout the years even if it made you uncool or different, so I just want to let you know you are all sorts of amazing. 
Believe it or not, the three best friends you’ve stayed in close contact with still be your good friends in your late twenties… it’s not without some drama, but let’s be real you’ve always loved a little drama or at the very least a good story. 
You’ll outgrow your party days pretty quickly, by the time you are 23/24 it’s lost its luster and you’ll actually really enjoy staying in and cozying in with a blanket and a good movie.
Smoking is not cool.  Stop. 
You are going to meet your prince and he is going to treat you the way you’ve always wanted to be treated.  He is going to make you laugh your ass off and will ultimately give you the most wonderful gift you could have ever be given. 
You need to take better care of yourself in every aspect of the word.  You need to talk to yourself more kindly, you need to eat healthier, and stay active… It’ll become harder and harder to put the time you need to stay fit so please, take care of yourself.  Drink water, eat your greens and for the love of God get a good pair of running shoes and take that up sooner than later, ok?
Trust your parents more, they know what they are doing.  One day you will really understand their love for you when you have your own kid.
Don’t be so hard on yourself, you are stronger than you believe, you’ve already accomplished so much already. 
Learn to love yourself because you are all you have at the end of the day.


  1. I love this! If only we knew then what we know now, right? My fave is: "Learn to love yourself because you are all you have at the end of the day." So true! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Yeah so true! Thanks for commenting!
