Words of Wisdom

Today’s prompt is “Pass on some useful advice or information you learned and always remembered.”
I have a couple pieces of advise that I’d like to pass on.  Some of it is personal some of it is work – but it applies to anything reallyquote1This one is HUGE for me.  So many times I would count on my mom or boyfriends to pull me out of my funk and while sometimes it works, I cant always do that.  I couldn’t always count on them being there for me every time I get sad.  It’s wasn’t fair to them and it’s wasn’t fair to me.  I put together a list of things that I do that makes me happy and when I start feeling sad, I do one or ALL the things that make me happy.  Now that I am older and maybe a little wiser, I tell that to everyone – learn to be alone – learn to pull yourself out of your rut… it will help you when you need it most.
Just like children testing their boundaries with their parents… people are going to test their boundaries with you as adults.  They are going to see how far they can push before you finally say something.  Are you going to muzzle yourself after being disrespected because you don’t like confrontation? Are you going to keep taking the little jabs here and there because it’s easier to stay quite? Are you going to keep letting something go without saying something or consequences? By not sticking up for yourself or saying something we are teaching those who intentionally or unintentionally hurt us how to treat us.  By not saying something, we are in essence saying it’s ok to treat me that way – I wont call you on it.  It’s OK to talk behind my back, I’ll just ignore it.  We teach people how to treat us and if we don’t say anything at all we are saying a lot. 
This is an easy one for me… by nature I crave solitude.  I absolutely love being by myself, but have met so many people hate being by themselves.  Just today, I threw my hands up in the air and said I need some me time.  I went to the bookstore, got myself a Starbucks and plopped down on a big cushy chair and read for an hour.  BLISS I TELL YOU.  But it’s not for everyone.  I’ve learned that from a very young age that if I enjoy my own company, others are going to enjoy it too – but if I cant stand being alone in a room with just me and my thoughts – why would anyone else? Take some time to get to know you a little better.  Go to the bookstore, head to Starbucks and people watch for a little, go see a movie.  Soon it becomes a part of you, you’ll not only want that alone time – but you’ll crave it.  Be your own best friend, because you are kind of a cool chick.

Those are a couple of my favorite pieces of advise – what about you? What are yours?

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