28 Things About Moi

1.) I am a first generation Italian! 
2.) I have gotten stitches 3 separate times ranging from 2 stitches up to 16!
3.) I have four tattoos, a lotus on my right foot a Japanese symbol for Family, "Baci" on my right wrist and "I press on" on the left side of my hand.
4.) I crave solitude.
5.) I prefer odd numbers to even.  
6.) I don't trust many people other than a select few.
7.) I believe an Owl is my spirit animal
8.) My least favorite meal is dinner.  I could have a bowl of cereal every night and be content.
9.) I really want a cat.  A black cat to be exact and I would call him Binx (after Thackery Binx from Hocus Pocus)
10.) I had to have my gall bladder removed 3 months after Vincent was born.
11.) I dont paint my nails as often as I would like.
12.) I like to collect books more than read them.
13.) I will buy something soley based on it's packaging.  
14.) I'm a snacker.
15.) I hate that I love diet coke so much.
16.) I can be outwardly sometimes, but consider myself more of an introvert.
17.) I prefer a movie, pizza, wine night in than a night out on the town - any day! 
18.) I am obsessed with music, if I get hooked on an artist, song, album I will listen to it for days on end.
19.) I love photography but dont spend as much time as I would like practicing.
20.) In my humble opinion, DeLuca's in Garden City, MI has the best pizza ever.
21.) I was in labor with Vincent for over 20 hours and pushed for 3 1/2 before he came into the world.  He was worth every excruciating/amazing second.
22.) I love to collect office and craft supplies.
23.) I lose sunglasses like it's my job.
24.) I have a small obsession with Starbucks.  
25.) I have a bottomless pit for sweets.
26.) I love my family so much, they are some of the few people who really know and get me.  And for that I am grateful.
27.) FRIENDS is still my favorite TV show.  
28.) Over the last 6 mo or so I have grown a lot of my faith.

What are some things about you?
(this is an old collage that I found - adore the pictures of baby Vincent)

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