Vincent is 8 Months Old!

Vincent turned 8 Months on 11/25

Bottom two teeth are in!
Still hates actual solid food and gags most of the time.
Crawling and climbing all over the place.

Can pull him self up onto pretty much anything

Starting to try to walk along couch.

Falls a lot.

Growls – HAH!

He is pretty much the sweetest thing ever.  I know I post a lot about him, but how can I not? He is too cute.




  1. Oh my goodness, what a cutie pie! :) Love his stuffed elephant. I like stuffed animals that are "different"... my sons' fave stuffed animals are a turtle and a panda. :)

    Hope you have a great day, Maria!

  2. Thanks girl! I think he is pretty cute myself!

  3. OMG... LOVE LOVE LOVE this kid...
    in spite of and because of the constant trail of drool.
    Kissy Kissy Baby Boy !!!
