What Success Means... To Me

I was catching up with Jenni at Story of My Life and came across this blog post and thought it might be fun to define that for myself.  What does success mean to me? What does it mean for you?

To me success is...

1. Balance.  I need to be balanced.  When I am balanced I get more accomplished.  I am focused.  I am productive and attentive.  I don't feel like I am drowning in everything I am supposed to be.  A wife, a mother, a worker, a homemaker, a daughter, a sister, an aspiring photographer, a reader... and everything else in between.  I'm harmonious.  I'm content.  I'm... balanced.

2.  Having a great conversation with someone you love about non-surfacey things like dreams, aspirations, wishes, needs, wants.  It's being challenged and coming to conclusions.

3.  Spending some money on yourself on something you normally wouldnt buy on a normal day.  Like brand new P.J.s that are so delightfully sinful.  The necklace you've been eyeing for sometime.  The new set of dishes. 

4.  Getting all your laundry done.  Boom.

5.  Planning and feeling accomplished.  I hate those morning of rushing around, the house is a mess, I dont have breakfast, I pick up a coffee on the way into work instead of making it at home. 

What does success mean to you?

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