Weekend Plans

Thats basically my motto lately.  It's been getting me through the day/week.  It's been a rough week so I am hoping that this weekend is healing and productive.

Weekend Goals:

- Deep clean my car: Busting out the interior cleaner, vacuuming, exterior wash, pitching the junk i've accumulated.  I'm in my car enough for me to want and need for it to be clean - it needs to get done.

- Go grocery shopping: Meal plan before I go and stock up for the week.  Goal stay within $125 limit.

- Catch up on all laundry: I am mostly done but need to finish up and put away

- Take Vincent out on an adventure: Zoo, Greenfield Village, Metro Park? Dont care as long as we get out.  That's what it's all about :) 

- Read: I am finishing up Shuana Niequist "Cold Tangerines" and it's so good.  Want to finish it so I can move onto Bittersweet.

What are your plans for this weekend?

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