Reminders to Myself:

- Stop sitting around waiting for things to happen.  Want to loose 30lbs, go for a walk.  Want to be a writer, put in the effort.  Want to re-do your bathroom, save some money and call a contractor.  Make shit happen.

- Don't compete with anyone but yourself.  The most miserable people in life always feel like they have to compete with everyone else.  Newsflash: There will always be someone who is infinitely better than you in some facet of life.  Deal with it.

- Set high expectations for yourself and low for others.  People are always going to let you down.  Don't set the bar too high for others, because when they let you down (and most of the time they do) you wont be so bummed and if they do follow through it's a pleasant surprise!

- It's OK to call in sick.  Playing hookie can be fun.  Blow everything off, have lunch by yourself, go see a movie and head to the bookstore.

- Routines are great, but it's OK to break them.  It's fun to step out of your routine from time to time.  Shake things up.  You have to get up early in the morning? Who cares, be a little reckless and stay out/up late doing something that brings you joy.

- Let the Drama GO.  You choose whether or not to get involved in Drama.  Whether it directly effects you or not.  Let.  It.  Go.  Participating in Drama is so exhausting and you don't have the time or energy to put up with it.

- Continue to work hard.  Don't do things half-assed.  Be ambitious.  Be a go-getter.  Keep fighting the good fight.

- Don't let ANYONE bully you.  Verbally, mentally, physically.  You are one strong bitch.  Stick up for yourself always because no one will fight your battles.  Remember always, you are your biggest advocate.

- Don't be so hard on yourself.  You are in fact human. 

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