My Five Rules of Life

While perusing different blogs, I happen to come across this series with this blog.  Since I thought it to be incredibly fun and inspiring, I sat down to think of what my five life rules would be.  This is what I came up with.

1.) Sleep is ALWAYS the best medicine - Whenever I am feeling kind of cranky, or in a spectacularly bad mood I just go to bed.  There is no sense in staying up and making everyone else around me mad.  I usually wake up feeling refreshed with a whole new perspective. 

2.) Treat yourself - I mean this in all aspects of life.  Treat yourself nicely, Treat your body with respect, Treat yourself to a Venti Ice Chai, Treat Yourself with love, Treat yourself to a night in... Treat yourself with grace and compassion, because you are your own best friend and if you cant treat yourself kindly, who will?

3.) It's never to young to Moisturize - Honestly.  I started moisturizing since I was 18.  It's just a best beauty practice.  It hydrates your skin, leaves it feeling soft and youthful and gives it a nice glow.  BONUS: Using a tinted moisturizer can eliminate the use of a foundation AKA saving you money!

4.) Guilt is a worthless emotion - I still struggle with this, but it's something I continue to work on  I feel guilty for putting my son in his jumparoo so I can take a breather and catch up on my e-mail.  WHY? We all deserve a break from this emotion that creeps up on us all too often.  I read that Guilt is a choice and I couldn't agree more. 

5.) Be friendly - Being overly judgmental and mean is so exhausting.  Being a genuinely kind and friendly person really goes a long way.  Whenever I hear of people being overly judgmental or mean, it's hard for me to wrap my brain around why? What's in it for that person to act that way? What possess someone to hurt someone? Be nice.  Always.

What are your five rules of life?

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