June was a busy month for us. But it was more busy with family stuff than completing projects and checking things off the list. I am feeling especially anxious since we barely did anything to prepare for baby #2 and it was our last full month before he arrives. July is officially baby month. BABY MONTH. Meaning this month there will be a baby joining our family. I am seriously NOT ready. There is so much that needs to be done still. Clothes to be washed, nursery to be finished,stuff that needs to be bought.
I had an ultrasound done today 7/8/2014 and he is head down and estimating at 7lbs 2 oz. I am so anxious to meet him and he could be here any day.
June Goals Revisited:
- Put together and finish nursery for Baby Boy #2
- Finish final touches on Vincents big boy room
- Wash all baby clothes and bring up
- Go on another date with Michael
- Get mani/pedi
- Finish up yardwork in front yard
- Cook something new
July Goals:
- Wash all baby clothes and bring up
- Order new stroller
- Go on a last time of a family of three adventure to soak up this precious time
- Go on one on one mommy and me date with Vincent
- Get a manicure/pedicure and eyebrows done
-Tie up all loose ends at work
- Find some alone time and cherish it
I feel like these last 2-3 weeks are going to FLY by. Cant wait to meet our newest little man. Wish us luck
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