How was your weekend? Mine was meh. Vincent end up getting a fever Saturday night to add to the list of things this poor kid has to deal with over the last month. I think this exercise is honestly keeping me sane through all of this, because everyday at the end of the day usually, I sit down (ready to get cry, get upset, worry, get anxious etc) and most of the time I stop and say thanks when I write these posts. It helps me realize that while yes, this situation is less than I ideal and I want nothing more for him to feel like himself and I want to get a good nights rest and I want to do something other than stay inside all day. It. Could. Be. Worse.
1.) Ice cold milk. Heaven.
2.) A yard picked up and our home doesnt look like a hobo lives there.
3.) Blankets. There is nothing better than a nice warm blanket to curl up under.
4.) Hot apple cider.
5.) Inspirational books to get lost in.
6.) My husband. Such a good man and father.
7.) Sweatpants. Hah.
1.) Pretty pens to write with
2.) Lysol to disinfect the shit out of everything.
3.) Captain crunch peanut butter crunch.
4.) Parenthood the show. Just yes.
5.) Social Media for hours worth of entertainment some days.\
What are you thankful for?
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