Vincent has been off all month (October) but the last week and half it hasn’t been good for him. His appetite was bad, his sleep terrible, he would have moments of energy but come running back to me and want to snuggle. I called last Thursday when he got sick sick, throwing up and Diarrhea. I was told to chill, it was a virus and he had to work it out of his system. I was a little annoyed, but I understood and was patient. We were hermits all weekend (which is unlike us) because we wanted to give V time to rest and not be on the GO GO GO. I think it helped but Sunday night was terrible. I honestly don’t think he slept more than 4 hours and neither did I. He seemed fine in the morning (no fever or sickness), so I went into work and told my mom to keep me updated. She said he went down for a nap at 830am which he never does, he barely ate ANY breakfast which he always eats and was a stage 5 clinger. She said he ate a little more at lunch but just wasn’t himself still. I called the Ped’s office and was once again being told “its going around, blah blah blah” and THAT’S when Mama Bear went all crazy. I basically said we were coming in. Sigh. The fact that I have to get upset to get in when my kid is sick is upsetting in itself, but that’s another blog post. We get to the office and sure enough, poor kiddo has an ear infection. We got him started on an Antibiotic and some Children's Motrin for pain. I am hoping for a good night and a better tomorrow.
After the Ped’s office I went to the Secretary of State because I am seriously behind in updating my tabs. Shhhh! When I got in there, the Kiosk wasn’t working and the line was too long for me to stand in with a 19 month old. Sigh. I dropped Vincent off at home and I went to the SOS by me. When I got out I made sure I had all my parts – keys, debit card, papers… everything BUT my credit card was accounted for. I ripped through my purse, my car, the backseat… it was gone. I JUST CANT WIN TODAY! I DAY I DECLARED TO BE AWESOME AND PRODUCTIVE! So defeated and deflated I started to drive to my closest bank. On the way there an idiotic woman almost hit as she was puffing away on her cigarette not paying attention to the road at all. I literally honked my horn so hard I was surprised the airbag didn’t go off. SMH. I walked into the bank and cancelled my card and got a temporary one until my new one comes in. After the bank I headed to Target to pick up V’s prescription and some other odds and ends (hello, it’s Target) I got home, made myself a bowl of cereal and poured myself a glass of wine. Phew!
But, it could be worse. And through the tough Monday I am still grateful, thankful and fortunate for the day I had. I learned a lot. Like my new coat has shallow pockets and to never ever put anything of value in there. Ever.
But I am Grateful for…
1.) An amazing family, friends and co-workers who keep me sane. Seriously.
2.) My daily devotional. Always the right thing at the right time. Thanks God.
"Walk peacefully with me through this day. You are wondering how you will cope with all that is expected of you. You must traverse this day rehearsing how you will do this or that, keep your mind on My presence and on taking the next step. The more demanding your day, the more help you can expect from Me. This is a training opportunity, since I designed you for deep dependence on your Shepherd-King. Challenging times wake you up and simplify your awareness of needing My help. When you don’t know what to do, wait while I open the way before you. Trust that I know what I’m doing, and be ready to follow My lead. I will give strength to you and I will bless you with peace.” How perfect is THAT!?
3.) Time to sit and reflect and write.
4.) My mother who is the most amazing person I know.
5.) My little man who through his little sickies still smiles and brightens my day.
6.) Wine. Hah!
7.) My bed. I think it’s calling my name.
What are you grateful for?
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