30 Days of Gratitude: Wrapping It Up

hello //

Wrapping up 30 days of Gratitude this month and moving onto hopefully a more productive month in December.  November was exhausting.  November was full of heartache and sadness and drama and frustration and worry.  All emotions and feelings I strive to stay away from if I can, but all inevitable I suppose.  Despite all of this, I am still grateful.  I am blessed.  I am so fortunate for so many things in my life that when I think about all the crap going on I know for sure two things:

1.) Nothing lasts forever.
2.) It could be worse. 

These two things help me from not getting to wrapped up in the sadness.  I am intentionally working towards thinking positive thoughts so I don't get lost in a dark hole.  Some days are better than others.  But still I end the day with a grateful heart.  Here are some last minute things I want to throw out there that I am grateful/thankful for (some repeats) (no particular order):

  1.  Good Health - we may not be great all the time but I am not bed ridden and that's a blessing.
  2.  Money in our checking and savings - we may not have a lot but it's enough to live comfortably.
  3.  Family - I know I can always count on my family no matter what, they are the most supportive, trusting and respectful people I know.
  4. Michael - My husband, my best friend... he is my everything.
  5. Vincent - His smile, his sweet disposition, he makes me laugh and I love him so much.
  6. MiMi - Even tough she pooped in my kitchen this morning, she is the sweetest dog i've ever known.
  7. Our Home - A roof over our head with heating/cooling/running water.  How fortunate are we?
  8. My job - It's not always glamorous but it allows me to bring in a nice income to provide for my family.
  9. Good books - I don't always have all the time to sit down and read but I love the stack of books I can choose from when the mood strikes (or time)
  10. Technology - To keep in touch with those far away, having information at my fingertips, finding inspiration. 
  11. Laughter - it truly does make things better.
  12. Transportation - and reliable transportation at that to get me where I need to go and safely.
  13. Sunshine - I take it for granted especially on these gray winter days.
  14. Music - No matter my mood, music helps... always.
  15. Freedom of Choice - I love that I live in a place where I can choose to live my life how I want.
  16. Life Lessons - To show me things I may have not known unless I lived through something.
  17. Miracles - No matter how small or how big.  I am thankful for them.
  18. My faith - It's not always easy to understand why things happen the way they do, but my faith helps me through it.
  19. Food in our home - Grateful I have food for meals and snacks to nourish my family. 
  20. Paying it Forward - Nothing like brightening someone's day just because you can.
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I will be returning Monday fresh faced and ready to take on December.


30 Days of Gratitude: Day 19 and Updates

A friendly reminder...

The last couple days have been a blur.  All last week I had intense pain in my neck, shoulder blades, shoulder area and parts of my back - I thought it was stress and pushing myself over the last couple of days.  I felt fine otherwise.  Friday started kind of stressful, but it wasn't anything I couldnt handle, I was out the door so fast I forgot to drink or eat anything! So after checking in at work I headed out the office for a training session I had scheduled at the branches and grabbed a coffee and a breakfast sandwich at Starbucks.   I felt good after getting something in my tummy and continued throughout my day.  After the training sessions, I headed back to the office and began to feel sick.  My appetite was gone, I felt like crawling under my desk and taking a nap and just didnt feel right.  Around 300 pm I decided to call it a day.  I headed home and went to bed for a little.  I started to feel OK so I came out and played with Vincent, hunt out with Mike and had some dinner.  Mike left for the night around 7 and I stayed home and got caught up with my DVR.  When I went to bed I started to get the shivers...BAD.  I wrapped myself up in socks, a huge sweater and even a scarf.  I even felt like I was hallucinating.  Not like your normal hallucinate, but like weird thoughts, sayings, images kept popping up in my head.  I got a fever and was a terrible mess.  I texted Mike to let him know when he comes home to set up shop on the couch because I was definitely sick.  That was a long night.

Saturday wasn't any better.  I was in and out of the bathroom all day, was hot, drank a ton of Gatorade (thanks hubs) and slept. I had another long night of not sleeping and hallucinating again.  Sigh.

Sunday I was starting to feel SOME improvements - not a lot but enough to be like, OK I think I am going to make it. 

Monday was a recovery day and it was exactly what I needed.  I took it slow, took a hot shower, put a little blush and lip gloss on, caught up our overflowing laundry.  And had one of the best nights sleep in a while.  Amen. 

Today I am working from home and Vincent had his 18 month well check up even though he is almost 20 months, lol.  He is doing awesome and so happy he is feeling better too.  After his appointment we went to Hobby Lobby and picked up our new Christmas Tree and did some shopping, grabbed some lunch and now he is taking a nap. 

I am ready to get back into our routine and start feeling better, it's been one thing after another for us and am looking forward to sunnier, healthier days ahead.

Even though I missed coming on to update my 30 days of Gratitude, I am glad I took some time for myself to heal and get better.

Today I am grateful for:

1.) Our family starting to ALL feel better, AMEN!
2.) The awesome sunny day we are having after such crappy weather this weekend.
3.) A clean, disinfected home!
4.) My amazing husband who did SO much for us this weekend while I was out sick.  He truly is one of the best people I know.
5.) My Family.  They've been there so much for us this weekend. 
6.) Fun scarves
7.) Window shopping (not literally, but things I want to buy)

Have a great Tuesday!


28 Things About Moi

1.) I am a first generation Italian! 
2.) I have gotten stitches 3 separate times ranging from 2 stitches up to 16!
3.) I have four tattoos, a lotus on my right foot a Japanese symbol for Family, "Baci" on my right wrist and "I press on" on the left side of my hand.
4.) I crave solitude.
5.) I prefer odd numbers to even.  
6.) I don't trust many people other than a select few.
7.) I believe an Owl is my spirit animal
8.) My least favorite meal is dinner.  I could have a bowl of cereal every night and be content.
9.) I really want a cat.  A black cat to be exact and I would call him Binx (after Thackery Binx from Hocus Pocus)
10.) I had to have my gall bladder removed 3 months after Vincent was born.
11.) I dont paint my nails as often as I would like.
12.) I like to collect books more than read them.
13.) I will buy something soley based on it's packaging.  
14.) I'm a snacker.
15.) I hate that I love diet coke so much.
16.) I can be outwardly sometimes, but consider myself more of an introvert.
17.) I prefer a movie, pizza, wine night in than a night out on the town - any day! 
18.) I am obsessed with music, if I get hooked on an artist, song, album I will listen to it for days on end.
19.) I love photography but dont spend as much time as I would like practicing.
20.) In my humble opinion, DeLuca's in Garden City, MI has the best pizza ever.
21.) I was in labor with Vincent for over 20 hours and pushed for 3 1/2 before he came into the world.  He was worth every excruciating/amazing second.
22.) I love to collect office and craft supplies.
23.) I lose sunglasses like it's my job.
24.) I have a small obsession with Starbucks.  
25.) I have a bottomless pit for sweets.
26.) I love my family so much, they are some of the few people who really know and get me.  And for that I am grateful.
27.) FRIENDS is still my favorite TV show.  
28.) Over the last 6 mo or so I have grown a lot of my faith.

What are some things about you?
(this is an old collage that I found - adore the pictures of baby Vincent)

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 14


I woke up this morning ready to take on the day, I have been cooped up far too long and V hasnt had a fever in over 24 hours so it was OFF to target we go! I am planning on getting a lot done today, but V is exceptionally whinny.  I dont blame him though it's been a rough month for him.  I am planning on geting laundry caught up, dinner on the table, vacuum and dust, get some work done, all good things.

1.) Target Cartwheel App - sooo cool saved $4.00 on my trip! 
2.) Groupon for my awesome $5 for $10 worth of Starbucks! Hell yeah!
3.) Target's Dollar Spot for some awesome goodies
4.) Pirate Booty such a yummy snack
5.) Sunny days 

Hope you all have a fabulous Thursday! 

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 13


I came across this quote and just loved it - had to share.  Anyway, I went to work today after taking Monday off due to Vincent's sickies.  I felt OK about it because he hadnt had a fever that AM and slept through the night (can I get an AMEN!) it was nice to get back into the groove of things - our routine because not only do i think Vincent is all thrown off - but us too.  It was nice to get my hustle on.

1.) Work - the people there and what I do make me smile 
2.) Good conversation with some dear friends
3.) Ice cold water
4.) Lorde's CD "Pure Heroine" AMAZING! Played it on repeat all day
5.) A sweet hubby and boy to come home too.

Thanksgiving to right around the corner! Hard to believe this year is winding down! 

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 12

thankful printable 
 Took V in for a follow up appointment and they are saying he is on the mend, even if we can't fully see all the outward signs of it.  Being patient sucks sometimes, lol.

1.) Coffee.  Amen.
2.) Normal naps during the day
3.) DVR with all my shows
4.) Pizzzza
5.) A big glass of diet coke.

What are you thankful for?

Life To Do

I feel like with Vincent being sick on and off for the last month it seems, I feel as though a lot of things that I wanted/needed to get done have fallen to the way-side.  *Knock on wood* this is Vincent's first time being sick sick.  He has had colds and such, but walking ammonia is a new ball game of worry.  But slowly he seems to be making little improvements here and there.  

It's funny though, because even though you want to hit pause on life so you can take care of business, life is like NOPE I'm going to keep going beeotch, like it or leave it i'm moving forward.  DARN YOU LIFE :::shakes fist:::

Has this ever happened to you when you are sick... you wallow in your sickness, you lay around in your sweats, you drink a lot of fluids, you watch everything there is to watch on TV and finally one day, you feel a little better and your like, I should probably take a shower.  So, you shower, you take a little extra time lathering up, you actually shave your legs, you exfoliate, you moisturize.  You walk out pores open, smelling fresh and you actually blow dry your hair instead of wrapping it up in a wet bun.   That's me.  But sans being the sick one.  Since Vincent is getting good reports from the doctor I feel like I can finally start taking care of myself, which I know it shouldn't be that way, I need to take care of me first so I can take care of him.  But, it is what it is.  My sweet boy wasn't feeling good and neither was I.  I wanted to take his sickies so he could run around and be him.  How we take our health or the health of our loved one's for granted.  

So I am slowly but surely pulling myself together again and truly taking care of everything that needs to be taken care of... laundry, opening up mail/bills, going grocery shopping, answering e-mails, writing, etc.  I feel like this last month has been a blur.  A month full of worry, anxiety and frustration.  With the holidays right around the corner, I need to get my act straight and get shit done - ya feel me?  So I began to write down everything that needs to get done.  Writing it down, publically is a great way to hold myself accountable, so here is my Life To Do:

- Catch up on all laundry - fold and put away
- Organize office, file away old bills
- Scrub down bathroom
- Vacuum and Dust
- Scrub down kitchen
- Clean out fridge
- Menu plan for 2 weeks
- Go grocery shopping 
- Clean out kitchen cabinets - donate/purge unwanted items
- Catch up on all mail/filing
- Clean out catch-all bin in kitchen

- Get eyebrows threaded ASAP
- Clean out purse
- Go get a massage and/or facial
- Paint nails
- Take a solo shopping/me day in the near future
- Volunteer somewhere
- Donate unwanted clothes
- Detail car | Outside and Inside
- Set up blogging schedule/posts
- Pay it forward
- Do something new
- Take more pictures/document them
- Start shopping for Christmas
- Order X-mas cards
- Pick up new tree 

- Plan out 2014 goals and meet with Supervisor to go over them
- Once a week work out of another branch
- Clean out office and organize desk
- Thank you notes to the team
- Start planning 2013 Holiday/End of the year party for the team

That feels better.  And I am sure I am forgetting something as well.  There is so much to be done and I want to make sure I am writing it down in a place I will see often.  It's time to get up, brush myself off and get things done and make things happen.

Have a great day!

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 11

If we're friends on FB you may have seen this posted as sneak peak for our family photo's this year.  I simply love it.  Today I stayed home because of Vincent's recent hospital visit and walking ammonia.  Sigh.  I can't wait to get back to some sort of normalcy, because being holed up in our home is losing it's luster.  I'm ready to bust out of this joint and do something.  Anything! Alas, this little one needs to get better first.  

1.) Scalding hot showers
2.) Hanging in my jammies all day.
3.) Drinking hot tea
4.) Good sob worthy movies
5.) Medicine to help my little man feel better
6.) My bed. My sweet sweet wonderful bed.

I am hoping to get a good nights rest.  I am hoping Vincent is even more like himself.  I am hoping for a brighter disposition.  I am hoping for some alone time.  I am hoping for a good nap tomorrow (he took a 1/2 hour today! doesnt he know naps will help him feel better?!) I am hoping for a little more productivity tomorrow than today.

What are you grateful for?

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 9 & 10

Saved By Grace

How was your weekend? Mine was meh.  Vincent end up getting a fever Saturday night to add to the list of things this poor kid has to deal with over the last month.  I think this exercise is honestly keeping me sane through all of this, because everyday at the end of the day usually, I sit down (ready to get cry, get upset, worry, get anxious etc) and most of the time I stop and say thanks when I write these posts.  It helps me realize that while yes, this situation is less than I ideal and I want nothing more for him to feel like himself and I want to get a good nights rest and I want to do something other than stay inside all day.  It.  Could.  Be.  Worse.  

1.) Ice cold milk.  Heaven.
2.) A yard picked up and our home doesnt look like a hobo lives there.
3.) Blankets.  There is nothing better than a nice warm blanket to curl up under.
4.) Hot apple cider.  
5.) Inspirational books to get lost in.
6.) My husband.  Such a good man and father.
7.) Sweatpants.  Hah.

1.) Pretty pens to write with
2.) Lysol to disinfect the shit out of everything.
3.) Captain crunch peanut butter crunch.
4.) Parenthood the show.  Just yes.
5.) Social Media for hours worth of entertainment some days.\

What are you thankful for?

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 8

Find it

It's been a rough couple weeks, Vincent has been fighting every thing it seems.  A cold, a bug, an ear infection.  It's tough to see him not well.

1.) I am thankful for health, we take it for granted far too often.
2.) The weekend.  Too re-coop and rest.
3.) Muddy Buddy's because I need some comfort food.
4.) Big cozy sweaters to wrap myself in.
5.) Pumpkin pancakes yum!

I hope you all have a great weekend and take some time to reflect all your blessings they are everywhere.

What are you Thankful for today?


Small Victories List

To Do for today.
I came across this post and thought this was brilliant way to celebrate some small victories in your day.  Some days it’s like, if you’re still alive and the kid is not running around naked it’s a GOOD DAY! But I thought creating a list of small victories of things to get done everyday was a great way to still be productive in the event one of those “How did I make it through the day” day’s happen.  So I began to think, what are my every day small victories?

1.) Make my bed

2.) Dressed and Blush on by 10AM (at the latest)

3.) Outside time

4.) Read something…ANYTHING

5.) Clean the kitchen


It’s simple, it’s easy. It’s the small victories in life that get us through sometimes, am I right?

What are your small victories?

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 7

Kine of  late posting this, but yesterday kind of got away from me!

1.) Hot Yoga - even though it has been SUPER hard, I feel great afterwards
2.) Dibella's subs.  Simply delish.3
3.) Hot freaking showers.
4.) Clean crisp sheets to crawl into after a long day
5.) A full nights sleep with NO interruptions.

What are you grateful for?

Life Lately

We’ve been having a lot of fun coloring and identifying colors.  He’s such a big boy!

These two are always goofing around together | Before Vincent got the 24 flu.
                                                                        Greenfield Village for the Halloween Nights


Having a blast at Three Cedars Farm.  |    Driving a mini John Deere Tractor.  Adorable.


Heading to the pet store to check out the Kitty and Fishy’s | Running around outside!


See what I mean with these two? | Enjoying a rather large cup of coffee after a 4 hr sleep night


What does Life look like for you Lately?

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 6

Hello.  Today I am feeling sluggish and tired, I would love to spend my day inside reading books and drinking coffee.  Have I told you how much I hate grey days.  They hit me so hard some days.

Alas, still a grateful heart.

1.) Vincent.  He makes me laugh and smile every day.  Today he wanted to be a big boy and eat cereal out of a bowl with milk and a big spoon.  He did really well too.  Stop.  Growing.  Up.
2.) Panera's mac and cheese because it is so creamy and delicious
3.) A heart and mind and soul that is forcing me to do things outside of my comfort zone.  I'm usually very happy when I do.
4.) A clean organized purse.  I usually tell people (because this is what my mom says to me too), you can tell the state of my mind by the state of my purse.  If it's clean, organized and everything is in it's place - my head is the same.  But when there are receipts flying out, I loose my debit card, I'm digging to find my keys, my head is the same...frazzled.
5.) Snapchat.  Hours of fun to be had.

What are you grateful for today?


Painting Pumpkins & Halloween 2013

Vincent didn’t go out for Halloween this year because the poor little guy got sick on Wednesday and was sick through Sunday.  He got an ear infection too which just sucks.  But before he got sick, we had an opportunity to paint his pumpkin and for Mike and I to carve ours.  Vincent did really well with the paint, even though he did look at me with those eyes that want to test you and try and eat the paint.  Ugh.  Boys.  Anyway, we had a great time and even though Vincent didn’t get to go Trick or Treating this year, it’s OK! They’ll be plenty of time for that soon, so we just all snuggled up on the couch together and watched movies and sipped hot cider.  How was your Halloween? 829830831832833834839841850835

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 5


Hello all! I am Day 5 into my 30 days of gratitude.  Sometimes I feel like I need to write obvious things I am grateful for.  But sometimes, I am so grateful for the silly little things in life. 

1.) The remote control.  I know this may make me look lazy, but I am grateful for this simple piece of technology.
2.) Captain Crunch Peanut Butter Crunch for being a stellar cereal.
3.) Colored pencils for making doodling more colorful
4.) Concealer for brightening my eyes and helping me NOT look like a zombie.
5.) My planner for keeping me sane.

What silly little things are you grateful for in your life?


Photo shoot with a Handsome Dude

The other day I was sitting on the couch looking through photos I had just taken and Vincent comes over, rests his head on my shoulder and look on at the pictures as I was scrolling through.  After I was done, he jumps on and yells “Cheese!” How could I not start snapping away?


How did I get so lucky? Thank you God for this wonderful little boy.  He is my everything.

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 4

GratitudeToday was a hard day.  I had all the intentions to get a lot of work done, come home, cook, do some laundry and read a little.  But as life tends to go, it never always goes according to plan. 

Vincent has been off all month (October) but the last week and half it hasn’t been good for him.  His appetite was bad, his sleep terrible, he would have moments of energy but come running back to me and want to snuggle.  I called last Thursday when he got sick sick, throwing up and Diarrhea.  I was told to chill, it was a virus and he had to work it out of his system.  I was a little annoyed, but I understood and was patient.  We were hermits all weekend (which is unlike us) because we wanted to give V time to rest and not be on the GO GO GO.  I think it helped but Sunday night was terrible.  I honestly don’t think he slept more than 4 hours and neither did I.  He seemed fine in the morning (no fever or sickness), so I went into work and told my mom to keep me updated.  She said he went down for a nap at 830am which he never does, he barely ate ANY breakfast which he always eats and was a stage 5 clinger.  She said he ate a little more at lunch but just wasn’t himself still.  I called the Ped’s office and was once again being told “its going around, blah blah blah” and THAT’S when Mama Bear went all crazy.  I basically said we were coming in.  Sigh.  The fact that I have to get upset to get in when my kid is sick is upsetting in itself, but that’s another blog post.  We get to the office and sure enough, poor kiddo has an ear infection.  We got him started on an Antibiotic and some Children's Motrin for pain.  I am hoping for a good night and a better tomorrow.

After the Ped’s office I went to the Secretary of State because I am seriously behind in updating my tabs.  Shhhh! When I got in there, the Kiosk wasn’t working and the line was too long for me to stand in with a 19 month old.  Sigh.  I dropped Vincent off at home and I went to the SOS by me.  When I got out I made sure I had all my parts – keys, debit card, papers… everything BUT my credit card was accounted for.  I ripped through my purse, my car, the backseat… it was gone.  I JUST CANT WIN TODAY! I DAY I DECLARED TO BE AWESOME AND PRODUCTIVE! So defeated and deflated I started to drive to my closest bank.  On the way there an idiotic woman almost hit as she was puffing away on her cigarette not paying attention to the road at all.  I literally honked my horn so hard I was surprised the airbag didn’t go off.  SMH.  I walked into the bank and cancelled my card and got a temporary one until my new one comes in.  After the bank I headed to Target to pick up V’s prescription and some other odds and ends (hello, it’s Target) I got home, made myself a bowl of cereal and poured myself a glass of wine.  Phew!

But, it could be worse.  And through the tough Monday I am still grateful, thankful and fortunate for the day I had.  I learned a lot.  Like my new coat has shallow pockets and to never ever put anything of value in there.  Ever.

But I am Grateful for…
1.) An amazing family, friends and co-workers who keep me sane.  Seriously.
2.) My daily devotional.  Always the right thing at the right time.  Thanks God.

"Walk peacefully with me through this day.  You are wondering how you will cope with all that is expected of you.  You must traverse this day rehearsing how you will do this or that, keep your mind on My presence and on taking the next step.  The more demanding your day, the more help you can expect from Me.  This is a training opportunity, since I designed you for deep dependence on your Shepherd-King.  Challenging times wake you up and simplify your awareness of needing My help.  When you don’t know what to do, wait while I open the way before you.  Trust that I know what I’m doing, and be ready to follow My lead.  I will give strength to you and I will bless you with peace.” How perfect is THAT!?

3.) Time to sit and reflect and write.
4.) My mother who is the most amazing person I know.
5.) My little man who through his little sickies still smiles and brightens my day.
6.) Wine.  Hah!
7.) My bed.  I think it’s calling my name.

What are you grateful for?


Vincent’s Commentary on Fall


Hi Guys, Vincent here – don’t mind that pasta sauce on my face.  I was too excited about coming outside to play in the leaves that I didn’t have time to finish cleaning off the shmutz on my face.  That’s what baths are for, am I right?



Yep.  Leaves on the porch are looking good.  Crisp, dry… yep.  They’re leaves alright!


Look at this pile Papa made.  I don’t know what to think. 


OMGOMGOMG ALL THE LEAVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mimi seems like them, but who am I kidding, Mimi likes ALL THE THINGS.  Silly puppy.


Thanks for stopping by!

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 2 & 3

Printable Thanksgiving art. 
I figure for the weekends I would combine the two days together - because it's a little more convenient that way.  

Day 2:
1.) My husband - seriously - such an amazing man and a wonderful father.  I don't know what I would do without him.
2.) Board games - I know weird, coming from me - but they turned around a rough Saturday
3.) Chocolate Chip Cookies  and Milk - Yup.
4.) Clean sheets - best thing ever to crawl into at the end of a long day
5.) Hot Apple Cider - delish!

Day 3: 
1.) A clean house - there is nothing like it
2.) Writing 
3.) Laundry being caught up
4.) Good movies 
5.) Good books

What are you most grateful for?

30 Days of Gratitude

Cannot believe how much this one little world can open up your life X
I am so grateful for the blessings in my life.  The people, the highs and lows, the good days and bad.  I am very fortunate for my life - the bright and shiny days and the one's so Grey that I dont think i'll see the sun again.  I always do - because as my mom always says, nothing good nor bad last forever.  Everyday this month I am posting 5 things (or more) that I am grateful for.  Sometimes we get so caught up in life that we forget how beautiful it is.  

1.) My job - it allows me an opportunity to be creative (and social) it's not always rainbows and sunshine - but what is? 
2.) Health - seeing Vincent sick this week puts things in perspective.  Our health is such a privilege.
3.) Technology - Having information at my finger tips.  THANK YOU! 
4.) Clean water to drink - Ice cold too.
5.) Coffee - I have been obsessed with Starbucks Salted Carmel Mocha.  Heaven
6.) Awesome music - I've been digging Ellie Goulding "Burn" | Haim "Falling" | Lana Del Ray "National Anthem"
7.) Happy Light - So far after a couple days use, I feel a difference.

What you grateful for today?

Hello November

Hello November

October was a good month.  I was able to get a lot done personally and a couple of fun things happened.  We got family pictures taken, it was my birthday and got some fun stuff like new clothes, books, a juicer, a gel manicure and lots of Starbucks.  Let's re-cap my goals.

October Goals:
1.) Take a ton more pictures with my BIG camera
2.) Read another book. (super close to being done but didnt quite make it)
3.) Go on 2 NEW play dates with Vincent. (1/2) Sorry Vincent!
4.) Read more from my daily devotionals.
5.) Make a homemade apple pie from scratch. (this just aint happening)
6.) Go to three cider mills this month. (1/3) (Oct got busier than we thought!)
7.) Visit the DIA (Nope~)
8.) Schedule a TREAT YO SELF DAY and document it. (went on a treat yo self day but didnt document it - im ok with that
9.) Pay It Forward 10/15/2013
10.) Add more $$ to savings
11.) Set up retirement fund with old 401K (ugh!)
12.) Purge and donate (Oops!)
13.) Go on a formal date with my lovah 10/17/2013
14.) Go on more walks – enjoy nature. (My bad)
15.) Try something new. 10/19/2013 

I get a little anxious when November comes around because it means Michigan becomes a perma-gray, cold, wet tempature.  It's not fun at all and frankly - I can't stand it! It stays like this until mid April.  I invested in a Happy Light it's supposed to simulate natural day light and helps improve mood and fight fatigue.  I am hoping it helps with my seasonal blues.  I want to keep my momentum up from October and not let the grey days get me down because I have another jam packed month full of goals.  

November Goals:
1.) Publish 2 articles
2.) Read (and finish) another book
3.) Take more pictures with BIG camera
4.) Take a Bikram Yoga Class
5.) Clean out all Kitchen drawers/cabinets and organize
6.) Volunteer somewhere
7.) Go on a DATE NIGHT with Michael
8.) Get a facial
9.) Go on 2 new play dates with Vincent
10.) Create Vincent Photo Album

I am SO excited for this month and a couple new projects that I put out there in the universe.  Who knows what will come of them, but I am proud of myself for making that effort.  Sometimes I get so complacent in my little bubble.  This month is about stepping out of my comfort zone and Making Things Happen! 

Have a great month!
