Ok. January sucked. As you can see with my previous post there were a lot of THINGS that happened that really hindered me from reaching my goals – yes I know it’s an excuse because THINGS happen to others and they still manage to reach goals, get shit done – yadda yadda yadda. So, I am going to acknowledge that I didn’t do well in January. I failed at eating better and I totallllllyyyyy did not stick to my no spending rule. I go through these binges – not just with food but with money too. It’s like I don’t even know me. I will go a couple hours or so without shitty foods – my nemesis is carbs and chocolate then a craving will come on and I am no longer human or myself and I’ll eat like 8 dove chocolate in a row. OR I will not spend any extra money on things like makeup or books or clothes then I’ll start to feel sorry for myself or get stressed and I’ll shop and feel better (for a hot minute) than immediately feel awful later. It's a vicious cycle.
January is coming to a close and I really need to put my big girl pants on and start thinking straight. I need to start eliminating sugars and start saving some money – because Mike and I have a lot of fun things planned this year (Vincent's 1st bday, 3rd wedding anniversary, trip down to North Carolina, cruise for Mike’s 30th) and I want to make sure we not only have the funds to celebrate and do these fun things, but I want to make sure we have some money in our savings for rainy days – or rainy months like January.
Starting February 4th I am going to embark on a 21 day SUGAR DETOX. I will be eliminating all sugars, artificial sweeteners, carbs, certain fruits, pasta (sad), pastries, alcohol (only for 3 weeks), juice, cereal. It’s not going to be easy – I’m nervous about withdrawals and becoming super irritable and mean. I am nervous about when I get stressed and wanting to go to the comfort foods, I am nervous about peer pressure and people not understanding. BUT alas, I am DONE with feeling like this. Counting on sugars and carbs to satisfy that pang and urge. I want to be more healthy. I want to not feel foggy or groggy all the time due to the crappy food I keep eating.
I remember doing this years ago. I cut down on all the carbs and sugar intake – like cold turkey and I lost about 40 lbs, I worked out 3 times a week for 45 minutes, I stopped drinking caffeine. I felt good and people noticed. I want that again.
In February, I am NOT spending money on anything I don’t need.
- Mortgage
- Utilities
- Phone
- Diapers (baby v)
- Food/Formula (baby v)
- Groceries
- Car payment
- Gas
- Doctor/Copays
- Gym membership/class
- Movies
- Makeup
- Clothes
- Decorations (house)
- Coffee on the go
- Eating out
- New music/apps
- Hair stuff
- Books
So yea, it’s going to suck – but I am embarking on being a better version of myself. Not just for myself, but for my husband, my son, my family. It’s super important to me so It’s time for me to put in the effort… the hard work.
I am going to try to be diligent and come back to discuss the good/bad about this new journey… WISH ME LUCK!
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