I get on average 8-9 hours of sleep (mostly interrupted). I just don’t mess around. Does it make me an old lady? Maybe. Does it make me boring? I don’t know. But I just don’t screw around with getting enough sleep – or at least making my best effort to get enough sleep. I simply adore getting on fresh comfortable PJ’s, taking out my contacts, wiping my face with a crisp face cloth and applying a light and airy moisturizer. I love crawling underneath the covers to cool sheets and getting all snuggly. I love winding down while looking through my phone and catching up with Twitter, Facebook and Instagram updates from the day. I love when my eyes get too heavy, I set my alarm and close my eyes and drift effortlessly to sleep. It’s one of my simple pleasures of life. Some people enjoy a night out with drinks, I enjoy a night in catching some ZZZzzZz’s.
Ever since I became a mother, sleep hasn’t been easy. He obviously has his good nights and bad nights but going to be around 830/9 still leaves me so, so very tired and it’s starting to bum me out. While I love getting my Z’s I do occasionally love staying up late, watching a movie, reading, perusing the internet etc. But I just cant seem to enjoy them anymore because of the anxiety of him waking up sporadically throughout the night and finally waking up for the day anywhere between 5:30 AM to 6:15 AM. That is before the Sun people.
So my day usually goes like this – V waking up a couple times during the night 95% of the time he can put himself down, but I am usually wide awake when he wakes up crying. He is up at let’s say 6:00 AM. I feed him, play with him until I head off to work. I go to work and I freakin’ work… I mean traveling to different branches and meetings and etc. When I get home (530 pm) I usually put on a meal, help with the baby, clean up, play with V, catch up with a little TV until we start his night time routine around 7:30 PM. This is about a half hour long with a bath, bottle and cereal. Once we are done, it’s like 8:00. By then I am just pooped. The thought of having to wake up and repeat with minimal sleep is daunting, so I usually just crawl into bed and I am out by 9:00 (if not earlier). Sigh.
What I am trying to get at is, I have a love-hate relationship with my NEED for sleep. It baffles me when I see/hear/read about people with children and a job and hobbies and an active social calendar who just don’t need a lot of sleep. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?! TEACH ME YOUR SECRETS! I tip my hat to them, because I am just NOT one of those people, I wish I were. So until I unlock the secret of functioning on little sleep while being insanely productive and patient, I’ll go take my contacts out and crawl into bed and catch up on my ZZzzZ’s.