Holy epic fail November! Man did I have all the best intentions, but sadly the month got away from me far too soon. Here is my goals for November:
November Goals:
1.) Publish 2 articles (didn't write at all)
2.) Read (and finish) another book (picked up a book, once)
3.) Take more pictures with BIG camera (barley looked at my camera)
4.) Take a Bikram Yoga Class (fun but so hard)
5.) Clean out all Kitchen drawers/cabinets and organize (Nope not even close)
6.) Volunteer somewhere (wanted too!)
7.) Go on a DATE NIGHT with Michael (was supposed to happen on Saturday 11/30)
8.) Get a facial (NOPE!)
9.) Go on 2 new play dates with Vincent (we barely left the house this month)
10.) Create Vincent Photo Album (sorry buddy!)
1.) Publish 2 articles (didn't write at all)
2.) Read (and finish) another book (picked up a book, once)
3.) Take more pictures with BIG camera (barley looked at my camera)
5.) Clean out all Kitchen drawers/cabinets and organize (Nope not even close)
6.) Volunteer somewhere (wanted too!)
7.) Go on a DATE NIGHT with Michael (was supposed to happen on Saturday 11/30)
8.) Get a facial (NOPE!)
9.) Go on 2 new play dates with Vincent (we barely left the house this month)
10.) Create Vincent Photo Album (sorry buddy!)
The beginning and part of the middle of the month was taking care of Vincent and his ear infection/bug/walking pneumonia and the middle of the month was me getting an epic stomach bug. We had a lot going on personally and the month was just blah so the fact that we made it is a reason to celebrate on it's own.
I love when a new month starts, new opportunities, fresh slate. It's a great feeling. This month is always hectic with the holidays but I am determined to be productive after a very unproductive month. And really, it's not just because I didn't get much done on my November Goals, it was even just everyday stuff - like emptying the dishwasher, keeping up with laundry. It all seemed like a chore.
December Goals:
1.) Finish "Bittersweet" by Shauna Niequest
2.) Take more pictures with BIG camera
3.) Get office organized
4.) Catch up with all mail and filing
6.) Bake Christmas Cookies
8.) Visit Santa
10.) Pay it Forward
11.) Finish Christmas shopping by December 15th
12.) Pray everyday. Make it intentional.
13.) Read more from daily devotional
14.) Do Advent Calendar with Vincent
15.) Have a Christmas morning breakfast for Mike and Vincent.
What are your goals for December?
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