September Goals

tinywhitedaisies Hello September

I don’t know about you but August sucked.  We weren’t responsible with our money, I ate like crap a lot, I didn’t work out – like once.  I stressed out a lot at work.  I didn’t have ONE me day or like Maria’s day out.  I didn’t do anything that inspired me.  Basically I was going through the freaking motions.  Which sucks. 

But with a new month brings new goals, wishes, aspirations and – a new job! Same company… new job.  But really, it’s so perfect.  Before I was a hot mess of stress, tension and anxiety.  It was NOT for me.  This new role is much more for me.  It is a lot less stress and basically exactly what I needed.

I am getting my life back on track.  I realized I was a hot mess after re-washing the same load of laundry 4 times because I forgot it and when we were out of clothes went down to the laundry room only to forget about said load in the wash and opening it up only smell that mildewy smell.  Sigh.

I am not going to dwell on my mistakes last month, only look forward to a new month and new goals and aspirations.

1.) Get our budget for the month figured out and STICK TO IT!
2.) Add a significant amount of money to our savings.
3.) Set up IRA with old retirement money from Con-way
4.) Create a menu plan for 2 week periods and shop accordingly.
5.) Do a 3-day juice cleanse
6.) Read another book
7.) Take a ton more pictures and document them.
8.) Find a new church
9.) Read more from my daily devotionals
10.) Go for a walk every single day from 9/9/2013-9/30/2013 (Minimum 20 minutes)
11.) Schedule a TREAT YO SELF day and document it
12.) Purge & Donate
13.) Document every day this month (Not counting weekends but it’s not off limits)
14.) Organize office
15.) Write a lot more.

I love writing out goals.  It helps me stay accountable.  I want September to be super productive…I want to take care of myself in all aspects: Financially, mentally, emotionally and physically.  I think my goals above will help with all of those. 

What are your goals for this month? Make it count!

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