


Sometimes I get so caught up in the little things.  The little annoyances, the little fears, the little insignificances of everyday life, it’s easy to do because after all we are all human.  We are flawed and imperfect.  But then something happens which rocks you to your very core.  That slaps you across the face and reminds you…

Life is short.  We aren’t invisible and things happen that we aren’t too sure why.  Something that is not normal and goes against the very laws of nature.  A young girl I went to elementary and high school with lost her little sister the other day.  She was 25.  Two years younger than me.  She had Stage 3b Melanoma and fought a long battle of 8 years.  I wasn’t close to the family, but it still hit close to home.  Someone so young having to fight so hard for so long just doesn’t seem right or fair.  A life cut so short just doesn’t make sense to me. 

When I hear something like this it’s a reminder to be happy.  To brush off the little things, because it doesn’t really matter.  It reminds me to hug and squeeze my family tight and count my blessings that we do have our health.  It reminds me to pray always, that even though I don’t understand why something like this could happen, God has a purpose and I trust Him.  It reminds me that life isn’t always fair and sometimes suffering is necessary for moments such as this that when times are good it’s good and when times are bad it’s bad.  Nothing good or bad lasts forever and I happy for that. 

I hope their family feels the love and prayers being sent their way in their time of grief.  I hope they find peace knowing their loved one is no longer suffering.  I hope they find peace during this time.


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