I am going to be playing catch up since I started a new blog, but I wanted to share with you some adventures in between. This one starts off with a trip to Boyne Mountain. Back in end of September, I got a call from my boss on a Thursday night saying he had a stay at a Boyne Mountain time share condo for Fri-Mon and he was not able to go. He said to talk it over with my family and to give him a ring later if we were able to swing it. I asked Mike and was like, do you think we could manage? We were teetering back and fourth when one of us (cant remember who) suggested that we invite Mike’s sister/bro in law/nephew (who is 3) with us, because the condo is two bedroom. They talked it over and sure enough the stars aligned and we were able to swing it. I called my boss back up and said “We’ll do it!”
We left early Friday (Around 2ish) and got here around 6ish. By the time we were settled in and ordered a pizza it was 7. Vincent did amazing. He took a couple naps in the car ride, we pulled over to feed and use the restrooms. I am so grateful he is such an easy going baby. After we scarfed down some pizza and we put the babies asleep, Jenn and I headed out to get some groceries (to save some money on food since we had everything including a stove in the condo) So we went to good ole’ Glenn’s market in Gaylord and got some food.

The place was absolutely gorgeous! We had a couple drinks that night and woke up the next morning refreshed and ready to take on the day. But before any of that, we had a great breakfast homemade in the condo by my wonderful husband and we enjoyed seeing the fog roll in.

We went to Avalanche Bay for the majority of the day, and surprisingly, it wasn’t as stressful as I thought it would be. We ended up doing a kid swap. The guys would take the kids as Jenn and I went to go down some slides then we would come back and take the kids and the guys would run off and go down some slides. It worked out pretty nicely. After about 3 hours there we left to go back to the condo so Vincent could nap. We had some lunch and took a nap myself. Around dinner time, we decided to go out to Dinner (so brave) and it was a little rocky, especially with a Toddler and a baby. But we managed. After Dinner, Mike, Vincent and I went to Kilwains Ice Cream for a dessert. It was delish!

After dinner/dessert we decided to head back to the waterpark for one more go-around. It was a blast. We came back, relaxed a little, put the babe down and relaxed. We joined him shortly after… Vincent had a rough night that night so he ended up sleeping with us in bed (which scared the crap out of me so I didn’t sleep at all) thankfully he did. We got up that morning, had some breakfast, packed up and we were back on the road.
I am so glad we went, it wasn’t always easy – but I am glad we are taking adventures still. Makes life more fun, huh?