Here are a couple life lessons I would like to share:
1.) Not everyone is going to like you and you know what, that is OK. You weren't wired for it! Everyone is entitled to their own feelings and just like you're not going to change those individuals they aren't going to change you either.
2.) Judging is such a waste of time. Why do we spend so much time judging one-another for their career-choices, life choices, men choices, how they handled a situation? We're all doing the best we can. Leave them alone and concentrate on yourself.
3.) Surround yourself with good positive people! Life is way to short to invest any of your precious time with people who are toxic and don't have your best interest at heart.
4.) Read anything and everything. An article, a poem, a book series, the Bible. Read something everyday and learn something new.
6.) Comparing yourself to others feels gross. Love the season, the path, the boat you are in at that moment. God has a path for you - trust!
7.) It's OK to have ice cream for breakfast.
8.) After getting married, just be together for some time. We've heard it all before, but having children changes the dynamic of your relationship, your life, your home - everything. Even though it's the next step in life, don't worry so much about getting there in such a hurry. Be together, travel, stay up late, go out often. Build the foundation of your marriage.
9.)We teach people how to treat us. Don't allow others to bring you down, stick up for yourself, you are your biggest fan - dont give up on yourself and think you deserve to be treated poorly. No one does.
10.) Treat your body and your mind better. Your body is your vessel to get around in this one life so if you are struggling to get around because of bad eating choices and lack of exercise, DO SOMETHING about it. Don't just wish and hope and complain. Literally get up and do something. Also, be kinder to yourself. If anyone talked to you the way you talked to yourself you'd probably kick that persons ass. Say nice things to yourself, you're kind of amazing.
11.) Smile more.
12.) Do something creative everyday.
13.) Pray everyday. For yourself, your family, your friends, for peace, for clarity, for help. Just pray.
14.) Practice self care. Always. It's so easy to get caught up in life. Work, family, children, home, laundry, bills, dinner prep, blogging, obligations take hold and 3 days later you realize you haven't taken a shower or even put deodorant on. Take care of you and you will be a better wife, mother, friend, daughter, sibling etc. Do something that puts a huge smile on your face at least once a day whether it's giving yourself a mini home facial or grabbing coffee and people watching or catching a solo movie or grabbing some fresh cut flowers, love you. Do you.
15.) When all else fails... DANCE.