I Believe In...

Believe in...miracles, love, laughter, goodness and grace. 

I believe in loving yourself first and foremost.  As cliche as it sounds, how can someone love or stand to be around you if you can't stand to be by yourself.  Be alone, sit in silence, write in a journal about the thoughts in your head.  Know who you are and what your morales and beliefs are.  Get to know you before you get to know anyone else.  It may get uncomfortable at times and yes you be feel lonely, but being alone is OK.  

I believe in not showing your cards all the time.  Sometimes a level of mystery is necessary.  I believe that it's important for people to work for your affection, trust and respect.  It's not something I give out willy-nilly.  Not many agree or understand this method, but it's something I wholeheartedly believe has stopped me from getting involved with people who don't have my best interest at heart.  Sure I find out even after showing my cards, but at least I gave some time before investing in someone.  Ask those important questions first, give someone the opportunity to show their true colors.

I believe that you can change around your day in a heart-beat.  I woke up the other day in a terribly bad mood.  I was tired, I had a list of things to get done for the day and it was a Sunday, which is a brutal reminder that Monday is right around the corner.  I took about an hour to be annoyed, angry, frustrated - I sat on the couch in my PJS and just felt annoyed and after that - I just got moving.  Physical movement helps! I got up and made chocolate chip pumpkin pancakes, we went shopping, carved pumpkins, went to the cider mill and watched a movie.  I believe that through physical movement and just going helps you change your mood around.  Sitting, wallowing for too long, and not doing something to actually change your mood is going to cause you more grief.  By the end of the day, even though I was tired and worn out - I felt great for having such a positive productive day.

I believe in good music.  Really good music that meanders it's way into your soul and helps you see things a little more clearly.  Music so good that you cant help but feel all the emotions.  It makes you smile or cry or get up and dance.  It understands you - it gets you and it knows when it needs to be heard.  Music so incredible that you play it on repeat over and over and over until it serves it purpose.  Music so inspiring that it changes you for the better, it helps you understand yourself, the situation or helps puts things in perspective.  Sometimes its the beat, the melody or the lyrics - but it's too good to ignore.

I believe in doing things that scare you.  We get so comfortable in our little bubble.  We become complacent with the people, events, daily things in our lives that we forget (intentionally or not) that there is so much out there! I've noticed that once I step outside of my safety zone and do something that is widely out of my comfort...it usually ends up being the exact thing I needed.  Sometimes you gotta shake things up! What's something you normally wouldn't do? Join a book club with a bunch of strangers? Try a wine tasting class? Go to lunch by yourself? Write out a list of things that scare you - and do it! You'll mind, body and soul will thank you! 

I believe in Kindness.  Life is too short to be anything but kind.  Be nice.  Be generous.  Be gracious.

What are some things you believe in?


Life Lately


Who knew a colander could be so fun? | Starbucks…sweet sweet Starbucks!


Trying on a couple different Halloween Costumes.


Loving playing outside on the tire swing! | Admiring fall and all its glory.



Some pictures from the sky.  Flying back into Detroit sure was a beaute.


What does life look like to you lately?

October Goals

hello october

I cant believe it’s October!!! And it’s officially my BIRTHDAY MONTH! I plan on making this month epic.  Shopping spree, family photo shoot, shellac manicure, movie day, starting swim lessons for my little dude and of course HALLOWEEN! It’s going to be great.  It’s also time to refocus and establish some goals for the month.  I want it to be fun (but productive) but first want to see how things went last month with my goals. 
September Goals:
1.) Get our budget for the month figured out and STICK TO IT! we did awesome!!!
2.) Add a significant amount of money to our savings.
3.) Set up IRA with old retirement money from Con-way
4.) Create a menu plan for 2 week periods and shop accordingly.  added a couple new dishes to the rotation which we looooved!
5.) Do a 3-day juice cleanse
6.) Read another book Finished Cold Tangerines by Shauna Niequiest (FINALLY)
7.) Take a ton more pictures and document them. Yes…and no.  I took a ton with my phone, but not as much with my big camera.  Fixing that in October.
8.) Find a new church I feel very good about the new church we went too.  We’re not officially there yet, but I am fairly certain it will be the one.
9.) Read more from my daily devotionals
10.) Go for a walk every single day from 9/9/2013-9/30/2013 (Minimum 20 minutes) – FAIL
11.) Schedule a TREAT YO SELF day and document it
12.) Purge & Donate
13.) Document every day this month (Not counting weekends but it’s not off limits)
14.) Organize office
15.) Write a lot more. did it and it felt great!!!

October Goals:
1.) Take a ton more pictures with my BIG camera
2.) Read another book.
3.) Go on 2 NEW play dates with Vincent. (1/2)
4.) Read more from my daily devotionals.
5.) Make a homemade apple pie from scratch.
6.) Go to three cider mills this month. (1/3)
7.) Visit the DIA
8.) Schedule a TREAT YO SELF DAY and document it.
9.) Pay It Forward 10/15/2013
10.) Add more $$ to savings
11.) Set up retirement fund with old 401K
12.) Purge and donate
13.) Go on a formal date with my lovah 10/17/2013
14.) Go on more walks – enjoy nature.
15.) Try something new. 10/19/2013

What are your goals for the month? What do you plan on getting done?

The Art of Silence

“The power of preserving silence is the very first requisite to all who wish to shine, or even please in discourse; and those who cannot preserve it, have really no business to speak. … The silence that, without any deferential air, listens with polite attention, is more flattering than compliments, and more frequently broken for the purpose of encouraging others to speak, than to display the listener’s own powers. This is the really eloquent silence. It requires great genius—more perhaps than speaking—and few are gifted with the talent…”
- Martine’s Hand-book of Etiquette, and Guide to True Politeness
